8 - 9 September
A weekend of dancing in deep connection, wildness, erotical energy and joy with the Biondanza Transcendance, Love & Sexuality workshop of Cristiano Martins.
We are so happy of co-creating with Cristiano Martins. Cristiano is a Biodanza teacher from Portugal working all around Europe. As a psychologist he is also part of the teaching staff at the Institute of Applied Psychology in the postgraduate course “Human Development and Therapy through Expressive arts” and also collaborates with the different schools of Biodanza in Europe.
Biodanza means Dance of Life. It is a dance of heart and freedom from South America. It's a system that integrates music and movement; it also makes possible to establish an authentic relationship with yourself, with other people and with the environment. Biodanza creates experiences of intense awareness of being alive in the here-and-now.
In Biodanza the concept of transcendence refers to overcoming the force of the ego and going beyond our perception of ourselves in order to identify with the unity of nature and with people’s essence. People who cannot leave behind self-consciousness are unable to enter into a transcendent experience.
Sexuality represents the primal energy pattern of power, beauty, enthusiasm and passion, which manifests through the desire for pleasure and well-being of our species. It expresses itself through the impulse to dive deeply into the world of sensation. It is guided by a compass located in the heart that connects us to the need/desire to give and receive love. The first step is to recognise that love is an art, just like life. If we want to learn to love, we must do the same thing we do when learning to play music or paint. Erotica is the transcending of sexuality, it is to it what poetry is to words.
Biodanza is a delicate but deeply transforming work on consciousness which awakens for universal solidarity, based on working with the body, body movement and dancing.
Integrates body, mind, emotions and soul.
Arouses vitality, creativity, sensuality and emotionality.
Teaches openness, joy, building good relationships and expressing emotions.
Feeling the connection with your body, emotions and energy, makes the transformation occur. These experiences are called "vivencias".They allow access to our primal emotions and help with the most natural expression of true self to emerge through movement.
“Biodanza represents the primordial energy pattern of deep connection and freedom of expression, beauty, enthusiasm and passion. It lives through the original thirst that our species has of health, love, pleasure and well-being. It is translated by the impulse to dive deep into the world of sensations. It is guided by the compass that lives in our heart, connecting us with the need and the desire to give and receive love. It teaches us to recognize that love is an art, just as life.” (Cristiano Martins)
Dancing is barefoot. No dance experience is necessary.
Tickets & Registration
Early Bird € 280,00
Early Bird bring a friend € 540,00
Regular Ticket € 310,00
Regular bring a friend € 580,00
Growing Loving Relations
Odessa Muiderpoort
Ter Gouwstraat 3